ptrcnull's nerdposting

Hi! I’m Patrycja (she/her).
Alpine Linux developer ( breaking your servers and containers ), DevOps engineer by day, open-sourcerer by night; CTF player at p4, standard issue catgirl, girlfriend of 4, mother of 1.
Self-hosting enthusiast, maintains some public services, loves cursed networking technologies.
Some of my projects include:
- metrowaw - map of hypothesized Warsaw Metro lines
- deobf - basic ECMAScript deobfuscator
- imagedrm - library wrapping DRM as Go’s draw.Image
- init - Busybox-compatible init (PID 1) written in Go
- openftm - FortiToken-compatible TOTP generator
- LidlLite - lightweight alternative to Lidl Plus app
- - this website, along with its theme for Hugo
2023-04-03 Insomni'hack CTF 2023 - insobot
2020-11-26 Dragon CTF 2020 - Harmony Chat
2020-09-14 Twardowski
2022-08-27 Installing unsigned addons in Firefox stable
2022-05-10 Unbrick "Cannot load Android system"
2021-11-19 Running Spotify on musl
2021-11-17 OpenRC: Start services after login prompt
2021-04-18 How to use Alpine Linux commit hooks
2020-12-19 Mail DNS Setup